Wednesday 2 March 2016

4 Simple Yoga Poses For Kids

1. Lion pose - Simhasana

The lion pose is very useful to kids. It teaches kids how to identify as well as manage their emotions. By simply linking sounds and movement through the yoga practice, yoga poses for kids like the Lion can create something spectacular in kids. It can create the teaching of healthy anger outlets as well as help to limit emotional outbursts in them.
lion pose kid

2. Down Dog-Adho Mukha Svasana

This is another unique pose. The Down Dog can simply be used to connect with others. You can allow kids to take their Down Dog's for a 'walk' moving away from their mats and around the room, saying hello to other 'Dogs'. Another option to carry out the Dog pose is in a group setting. Allow them to form a line of Down Dogs, making a tunnel like opening beneath their bodies. One at a time, have a kid come onto their belly for Caterpillar and inch-worm their way beneath the lifted Dog Poses.
down dog pose

3. Puppy Dog-Uttana Shishosana

This is another nice yoga pose. The Puppy Dog is a nice set up or release from the Down Dog pose. This pose can be used to create the deliver the strength to develop Down Dog Pose as well as give a softening release from it too. In the same way, it can be helpful in reviving up energy for Down Dog Pose.
puppy dog

4. Butterfly Pose-Purna Titali Asana

The Butterfly Pose is a special pose for kids. It delivers another yogic shape that can be used as a pose of connection. Kids can be allowed to create a circle in their mats, belly down, just less than arms distance apart. When the kids lift their arm, bellies connected to their mats, they can simply join their arms together and fly together! Another way is to have kids emerge from a Cocoon Pose onto their feet and explore 'flying' as butterflies to interact with each other around the room.
butterfly pose

1 comment:

  1. The blog post is good enough, keep up writing such type of posts.
