Wednesday 2 March 2016

8 Kitchen Remedies For Effective Acne Treatment

Fresh lemon or its juice is one of the most commonly used natural products which have many options to be used in beautification. Lemon juice is natural bleaching agent, anti bacterial and acidic so helps in removing the impurities out of the skin. Further, it also helps to get rid of scars left by acne and pimples. Lemon juice can be used in many ways. Its use is very simple, just slice a lemon into two halves, then apply the juice with two three drops of rose water over your face gently with cotton ball. Leave it for 40-45 minutes and then wash with cold water. Apply this therapy twice a day to see good results. If there is a scarcity of time, you can apply the combination of lemon juice and rose water before going to sleep. Leave it overnight and then wash with cold water in the morning. Remember, lemon juice is acidic in nature so do not use plain lemon on your face. Further, you can add a few drops of glycerin to lemon juice and then apply it on the face. It will also remarkably reduce the signs of scars.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and this vitamin helps in the nourishment of skin and also rejuvenates it. Vitamin A is very helpful in the healing process with quick skin growth and therefore tomato helps in removing the scars. You don’t have to do some complex actions to use this useful vegetable. Just take a tomato and slice it to make a pulp. Apply this pulp on your face and leave it for more than 30-45 minutes. Thereafter wash your face with mild warm water. For better results, I have another method to use tomato to remove scars. Take two tomatoes and avocados or cucumbers. Grind them thoroughly to make a heavy paste. Apply this paste on your face like a face mask and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water. Apply the second method twice a week to get better results.

It is the least time taking home remedy with equal benefits. Baking soda is natural exfoliator and also a good cleaning agent. It helps in healing the scar tissue gradually layer by layer with cleaning of dead cells. Simply, take some baking soda and water in the ration of 1:2. Make a light paste of it and then apply it on the scar gently with a cotton ball. Leave it for one minute and they rinse it off with cold water. Remember not to apply the paste vigorously on the face as it may give rise to some more blemishes on your face. Apply it for twice a week only.

Sandalwood also helps us in getting over scars. Its use is very simple and can be used by rubbing gently with milk or rose water on the scars. Leave it for an hour before washing with cold water. If you cannot take out time to use this. You can apply this on your face before going to sleep and then wash with cold water in the morning.

Aloe vera is the probably the most used natural product in cosmetic goods. It can be used in almost all the beautification process. Aloe vera is very good to ensure speedy growth of our skin with the formation of new cells due to rich blend of vitamins and minerals (essential for skin nourishment). These new cells take the place of scar tissues and hence scars fades away from the skin. Break a leaf of the aloe vera plant and rub on the affected area gently for 5 minutes. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash with a cleanser. Do this daily to get better results.

Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, caprylic and capric acid with good concentration of lauric. All these nutrients makes it a good, I would say an excellent option to remove the signs of scars. Massage with coconut oil for 2-3 minutes daily with a frequency of 4-5 times. It will definitely give you desired results within couple of weeks.

Honey is one of the excellent anti bacterial natural product. It is rich in mineral like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur and iron. All these mineral are vital for the healthy growth of skin tissues. It helps in cleaning of free radicals which are also responsible for acne. Simply, rub or gently massage raw honey on the scars twice daily and then wash with cold water. The anti bacterial property of honey heals the scar tissues and promotes the growth of new cells by clearing free radicals. Remember, not to use honey if you have oily skin.

We all know the soothing effect of potato on our eyes. This remarkable vegetable is good for our skin also to remove the signs of scars and other marks. Potato is rich in phosphorus, sulphur, potassium and vitamin C. Potato can be used in many ways to remove the scars. You can just rub the sliced potato pieces and leave it for 20 minutes, then wash with cold water. Or, make a paste of potato by grinding. Apply it on the whole face if you want or on the affected area with a cotton ball. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. The best way to harness the benefits of scar removing property of potato requires some other ingredients. Take a medium size potato, boil it and then mash it with its skin. Add two teaspoonful of milk and two teaspoonful of coconut oil. Mix all these thoroughly to make a paste. Apply this paste on your whole face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. This method not only removes scars but also clear the darkness under the eyes with a glowing face. Apply this twice a week to remove the scars soon.


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